Saturday, February 15, 2025

Confederate Cavalry


This will be third submission to the challenge and my second cavalry. I painted a union cavalry and now I'm adding a confederate to keep pace with the union. I really would like to find a way to paint cavalry quicker, but how I prefer my models to look pretty much requires the same method every time. Something about old dogs and tricks comes to mind....

The figures are once again the very lively and characterful Sash and Saber range which are really fun to paint and make you hum a civil war tune as you go through the process.

The paints I used were mostly Foundry as they have been my go to brand for many years plus of course the ever trusty Vallejo line with some Mig pigments for weathering rocks and stuff.

I'm not sure what I'll paint next as I still need more cavalry and dismounted cavalry for ACW, but some of my other collections are really in need of some additions right now.

Thanks for viewing!

Miniature company- Old Glory Sash and Saber


  1. Another lovely cavalry unit, must admit the S&S miniatures have a good sense of movement about them, great work on them.

  2. Absolutely lovely work on these desperados, I'm a big fan of your brushwork. Especially nice to see someone using Foundry paints, I love their horse paint set.
    The basing is also first rate, it really complements your paintwork. Cheers, Michael

    1. Thank you very much and yes indeed Foundry paints work very well for my painting method.


  3. Another most splendidly painted and based cavalry unit. A fine addition to your ACW collection.

  4. That's a cracking looking unit Christopher

  5. Marvellous work on those Rebs Christopher! Looking forward to seeing your next additions!

  6. Great looking Rebel Cav, Christopher! My buddy just got a few Sash and Saber ACW Confederate cav too - they looked good.

    1. Thank you Dean! Your friend will have fun painting them.


  7. Eyecandy as always. Your painting skills are excellent.
