Adding more ACW to my collection. I'm kind of reluctant to move to other periods at the moment as I really need to add some units to play some scenario's I have in mind. This is the first cavalry unit I've done for this collection as cavalry always lags behind with me.
Almost all my major collections are lacking in cavalry and that's because I really don't like painting horses with all the straps and flesh to cover not to mention the riders typically have more fiddly bits then infantry! However, this year I've decided to try and put my head down and get some finished so I can increase the scenario's to play.
The figures are from Old Glory Sash and Saber line which really pack some character which I tend to lean towards. They are not as big as Perry and certainly not Redoubt, but work great in their own units. The colors used were mostly Foundry paints with some Vallejo here and there.
Next up probably more ACW and cavalry, but I really never know if that will be the case.
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Miniatures- Sash and Saber