For a long time I've wanted to do Caesarian Romans in particular the Wargames Foundry ones as I always really liked them and to this day still consider them the best out there. I don't know why I never got around to doing them, but finally acquired some in a trade with my friend Mike.
Once I started painting them I was having so much fun, I ordered a large amount of them in a Foundry sale which is only really how I can get them with the price increases, shipping and customs and all. Since I paint pretty slow by the time I need more miniatures some sale is bound to be happening. I suppose it's that way for many of us metal miniature painters as I still paint relatively few plastic and resin miniatures for many reasons that are commonly known like assembly, heft etc.
Somebody gave a great description of the Foundry Caesarian Romans looking like they are fighting on rugby pitch which translates to brutally fighting in a no quarter given or asked toe to toe manner which will really contrast well to the sophisticated look of my Hellenistic opposition I have planned. Plus Caesar vs Pompei , Spanish, Gaul and Germanic tribes and Spartacus Slave revolt all sound intriguing to do as each presents a completely different game.
Lately I've been putting all my Dark Ages and Ancients on single bases and using blue tack to hold them onto movement bases which holds surprisingly well. I hate re-basing and I don't like sabot bases either and this seems the best solution for me to keep pace with my changing taste in base sizes I seem to go through. For example These bases are 120mm x 60mm, but I'm thinking of trying 100mm frontage to get a quicker start on gaming which won't be an issue as all I need to do is buy new movement bases rather than any dreaded re-basing.
Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Wargames Foundry