I took a break from ACW to re-base my Saxon/Germanic army for use with skirmish and army based games like Impetus, TTS and the upcoming Midguard rules by James Morris.
Why did I do this when I already had sabot bases for the figures you may ask? Well after seeing James Morris units on what I would call movement bases for individual figures rather then sabots I loved the look and flexibility as the figures could be moved around on the base rather then in a fixed sabot. With that in mind I set to work on my re-basing project to movement bases!
This flexibility allows me to make a unit a heavy or light one by removing or adding figures that does not leave a hole like a sabot base does. Also I can move the figures closer or farther apart whenever I want without needing a different sabot base and of course I can place the figures closer together.
James used magnets which is useful, but this requires where the figures are to be free of basing material which I don't like as it looks too smooth compared to the edges and limiting. I decided to use blue tack to hold the figures in place and it works very well!
With this method I can use my figures for any system be it skirmish or army based as I'll just need the base size requirements.:-)
I made the movement bases 3cm high which allows me to handle the base and not the figures which is something I've really come to prefer these days.
Usually I find re-basing a chore, but this time I had quite some fun as I didn't need to hammer and cut rather just make the movement bases themselves and transfer them from the sabot bases to the movement trays.
Not content to stop there I also re-based my friend Nick's excellent Late Roman/Arthurian collection shown above that I luckily purchased from him. It did require more work as I needed to completely re-do his bases to match my own collection, but worth the effort!

Just to round things off I thought I would show my Foundry Late Roman collection shown above which is based for Impetus, but can also be used for TTS and Midguard as well. These are a mixture of both my own(lighter based) and Nicks Late Romans(that I got off him,darker based) although I need to re-do his bases to match mine as can be seen if you look close.
Oh one cannot forget casualty counters either as I really like having these. These are also a mix of my own and Nick's already with matching bases.
So am I done? The answer is no not even close as I plan to use these collections for small skirmish all the way up to very large battles with multiple players! I think we all have a little megalomania in us(even if it takes years to get there)!
Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Footsore, Gripping Beast, Westwind, Wargames Foundry