I've been painting this unit on and off for quite some time and thought it was time to finish them up.
Lately I've had issues with painting mojo in that I'm having trouble with focus. The problem isn't with wanting to paint, but rather having so many projects I want to do I end up doing nothing. I'm sick with envy for anyone who is able to stay focused on projects until they reach their goals and not become distracted. Anyhow enough of my moaning and on to the unit.
This regiment is for my growing 28mm ACW collection and represents the 142nd Pennsylvania regiment. I usually model units after particular regiments, but truth be told most often the units are used according to scenario requirements and not used just for when that unit was historically involved, but it's fun to give them a regimental affiliation especially at this scale.

The 142nd Pennsylvania regiment was organized in August 1862, with Robert P. Cummins as colonel. It did various garrison duties until attached to the 2nd Brigade Pennsylvania reserves fighting in Fredericksburg losing 250 out of 500 engaged, before later being assigned to 1st Brigade 3rd division I Corps. It saw heavy fighting in Gettysburg where the regiment was reduced to under 140 effective fighting men for stubbornly fighting for each piece of ground. The regiment was then assigned to 3rd Brigade 4th Division V Corps and went on to see more action at Five Forks twice, Petersburg and finally Appomattox Courthouse. Out of 935 total enrollments it lost in officers and men 140 killed, 430 wounded, 81 lost to disease, and 158 captured and missing for a whopping total of 809 lost making it into 9th place in the entire union army for losses from combat.

The figures themselves are Sash and Saber which are not the easiest to paint,but sure pack a lot of character into the sculpts which I quite like. The flags are the ever lovely GMB designs.
As for what I'll be painting next I have no idea I'll just have to see where the brush takes me.
Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Sash and Saber