Tuesday, July 2, 2024

ACW Command Stands


Finally got around to adding some command stands for my ACW armies although to be honest I've had these done for a few weeks already. Although I haven't posted much lately I have been busy with my ECW renovation project that I'll show when I'm done(Almost there just a couple more units).

I think the commands are Longstreet for the confederates and Reynolds for the union although I just use the commands for whatever I need for the scenario and do not worry so much if they are the exact leaders or not except perhaps Lee who is just too obvious I suppose.
The figures are a mix of Perry and Redoubt which do manage to fit together even if the styles are quite different oddly enough. The troops have to be in separate units as it's much more noticeable.

I did manage to get my collection on the table for Brawners Farm scenario from the Infernal Rebel Yell scenario book from Brad Butkovich using Field of Battle 3 rule set. It was a heck of a game where it looked like the rebs where going down in defeat, but managed somehow to claw a victory. A very tense game! Sadly my pictures did not come out, but my friend Mikes did and I recommend you go to his blog post for the complete game which he did a fine job of making a narration of it.

Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Perry, Redoubt


  1. Great looking ACW commands, Christopher. I have mixed different makers on command stands too - Front Rank and Victrix, etc. for Napoleonics - and they look fine. I think mixing makers on command stands or vignettes works out well.

    1. Thank you Dean and I agree if you can it's nice to use multiple manufactures if you can as it gives an extra bit of variety.


  2. Very nice command stands and the mix of figures works really well, as you say adds to the variety.

  3. Really splendid work on all those Command stand figures Christopher! I'm eagerly anticipating the ECW pictures following the refurb.

  4. Those command stands look superb

  5. Mighty fine command stands there Christopher I too look forward to your ECW revamp.

    1. Thank you Phil and hopefully the ECW will measure up.


  6. Fantastic command stands Christopher!

  7. These command stands are looking awesome!

  8. Wonderful Command stands - your use of colour on figs, horses and bases really makes them pop!

    1. Thank you Paul I appreciate the kind words!


  9. Great painting job on these figures - as always. You know that I like your minis very much.
