
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Late Roman armoured infantry (10mm)

Foraging once again into 10mm  to try it out in an effort to get some gaming in. While 28mm is my favourite scale and will remain my primary scale it takes me a very long time to finish each unit making gaming difficult for all the periods and armies I want to do. So, I've decided to concentrate for a little while on some of the smaller scales so I can have some armies to play when I return back to paint the long term 28mm projects that I have. While it still probably takes me too long at even this scale it for sure is much faster then 28mm.

While 10mm is quite small and one must sit down at the table when gaming to see the detail it does however have a certain charm to it that other scales just don't have. The larger scales are more serious and anything under 10mm is flat out too tiny IMHO.

Tim and I decided first to try the Late Roman period focused in Western Europe to start our 10mm venture. I picked Pendraken's very nice Late Romans and Tim went with Coppelstone's equally very nice fantasy Horse Tribe figures which look great for Goths. The Late Roman period has long held an interest for me so I was pretty happy to start here.

The figures are armoured infantry and are based for Impetus on 60mm x 25mm bases. I like a bit of room on my bases so I can handle the base and not the figures as much as possible, plus it comes in handy for the more energetic figures later on and I just think it looks better too. The figures are Pendraken and have surprising detail for the size. The shields are LBM transfers, but I ended up repainting them to give a stronger colour which comes to a good point on painting 10mm. This scale requires you to paint in high contrasts that would look way to strong in 28mm, but work very well for 10mm and is something I'm learning to do. At first I was kind of frustrated, but now that I'm finished I'm pleased with the results and still motivated to do more which is a good thing for future gaming. Oh, another real nice thing is the savings you make at this scale compared to 28mm or even 15mm which is quite significant!

Photography is another challenge for this scale and something I'm still trying to come to grips with so I took as many pics at as many different angles as I could in the hopes that you can see the figures well enough. I'm happy with the painting results, but the photography needs a lot of work still.  I hope to try some proper terrain background when I get a chance and see how that looks as that usually works better.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Pendraken


  1. I have plans on 10mm ACW myself, same thinking as yourself Christopher, get a couple of armies together. Not done much of them yet though.

    Nice 1st go on something so small!

    1. Thank you Paul! Pendraken has a very nice ACW range and something I would probably do for really big battles. I'm interested to see your when you get them.


  2. Some very nice figures, especially considering the scale. You didn't mention that you want to try 10mm again but the result is impressive.

    1. Thank you very much Nick! I keep wobbling back and forth on my feelings with this scale. One moment I'm quite happy and the next totally frustrated. However, there seems to be something there as I either keep trying or think about keep trying. The best way I can describe it is that it keeps growing on me.


  3. Lovely looking figures. Didn't notice that them were 10mm until I read the title.

  4. These troops are very nicely painted, Sir. I can almost hear them stomping their feet and whacking their shields, ready to step up and into battle.

    1. Thank you very much Jay. Hopefully I'll keep with so they see battle.:-)


  5. Beautiful minis and work........literally!

  6. These came out just great. And you could even play DuxBrit with them. ;-)

    Cheers, SG

    1. Thank you very much SG. I suppose I could play Dux B. with them, but I prefer to keep that at 28mm. Trust me you will tire of Late Romans as I'll be doing them in at least two scales.:-) These guys are going to be for Impetus and if I paint enough maybe Hail Caesar too.


  7. You did a cracking job on these! Truly at 10mm these are amazing and I like the photography. Those panoramic shots are sweet.

    1. Thank you very much Anne! I'm happy you think I pulled off some decent shots.:-)


  8. Great work on these Christopher. The pendraken figures have loads of detail for 10mm and are lovely to paint

    1. Thank you kindly Scotty. You are indeed correct and my hat goes off to Pendraken for achieving such a great level of detail on such small figures.


  9. These look awesome. I've dabbled in 10mm and would definitely consider it for big battle games. Colourful troops look best in the scale and yours really pop.

    1. Thank you very much Phil! Your correct 10mm does excel at large battles, but I think it can also work on smaller battles too or at least I hope so.:-)


  10. These look lovely, Christopher! As a sometimes 15mm guy, I marvel at what you've done in 2/3s of the size!

    1. Thank you very much Monty! I have to hold them very close up when I paint!:-)


  11. Lovely 10mm Late Romans Christopher, they look great on their Impetus bases.

  12. Great looking unit. I had a go myself with this scale but it wasn't for me! However, your image here has got me thinking again :)

    1. Thank you kindly David. I thought that too the first time around, but then I came back. Just something that keeps drawing me in.


  13. Awesome work on such small troops Christopher. Very impressive!

  14. A fantastic looking army, very impressive!

  15. 10mm?! They look like 28mm, very nicely painted and based 28mm at that. Marvelous work in such a small scale. Best, Dean

  16. I have scads of 10mm stuff as I love the scale but need to get enthused about doing them. Your stuff is helping this along - lovely work Christopher.

    1. Thank you very Curt and I'm looking forward to seeing your 10mm figures.

