
Monday, September 23, 2013

Some more Regimental Fire and Fury

We have been playing some more Regimental Fire and Fury in 28mm and having a great time. Our group is happy with using 2 figures per base and using the 15mm range and movement charts. I really prefer this version over the Brigade version although I really like that too!

If I remember correctly we had about 9 Union regiments plus a couple guns vs 8 Confederate regiments and a couple guns. Due to time constraints we decided whoever controlled the crossroads or broke the other side when we called the game would be the winner. As it turned out the Confederates controlled the crossroads, but the Union had inflicted more casualties and so looked to be stronger. I think we decided it was a minor victory for the confederates due to nightfall.

The future looks very good for 28mm ACW for our group as we now have a good starting point in terms of figures to game with. Now it's simply a matter of adding regiments to increase scenario sizes. I'm very pleased because I think getting things up to a playable level is the hardest part of doing a period and once you have achieved this it's all gravy from there.

Sorry about the quality and lack of pictures, but I didn't steady my hand and forgot to take more as I was pretty wrapped up in the game.


  1. As always a greta report and good photos. Watching my first game of Longstreet tonight - will see how that compares to Maurice.

    1. Thank you Bill. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Longstreet. So far everything I've heard is good.


  2. Looks like fun. Great battlefield layout and painted figures.

  3. Nice looking set up. The road sections and that building look smashing. This is a pretty good sized table for gaming!

    1. Thank you Anne. The table is 5ft x 8ft and seems to handle most of my gaming needs. I have a way of extending it to 6ft x 10ft if I need to. Anything larger then I have to go to the club, but that's very rarely needed.


  4. Wonderful looking game Christopher! As the spirit of the ACW battlefield seems set at the regimental level I think this version/scale of the rules is best (the original brigade level rules, while excellent, always left me a bit cold). I have a bunch of ACW stuff in 28mm so I might have to try your mods to give it a go.

    1. Thank you very much Curt! I think for 28mm ACW gaming then regimental seems to be the best. We are very satisfied with RF&F and modification we use so I highly recommend it.


  5. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Next time I'll be able to join in again, I hope.

    1. Thank you Kick and I hope to see you there as well next time.


  6. A great looking game Chris, the figures and terrain look excellent!

  7. Superb looking ACW game Christopher!

  8. Lovely, Christopher! I think I need to give Regimental F&F a try one day!

  9. Stunning looking game !!!

    Best regards Michael

  10. Fantastic looking game Christopher!!

  11. Great looking game! I like the smaller number of figures per base, great idea!

  12. Wonderful looking table and game there

  13. A great period, shown off at its best.
