
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lukka Pirates

Here is my latest edition in the form a unit of allied Lukka Pirates(Sea Peoples) to support my Trojans.These guys were fun to paint up and I quite like the colorful nature of the unit.As with the other Trojans I continued with the army painter experiment.I tried adding a bit more army painter then last time to help raise the detail and added a few quick highlights to further define areas.I'm happy with skin tones here more then the other units. :) Again,most of the shield work is hand painted except the bronze studs with have army painter applied.
Another nice thing,is I'm happy I based up units wide when I heard the rumor WAB2 was going that direction and it appears that is the case.
Even painting at a pretty easy pace I'm surprised and happy how quick things are coming along and with some decent results for gaming.:-)
Next up for Trojans are....Chariots!The staple highlight units of the period in question.I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out. :)
Miniature Company-Wargames Foundry


  1. Look fantastic! As you say, I bet they were fun to paint. Very colourful and some nice details.

  2. Hi Chris,

    The Sea Peoples look great.

    I was wondering how quickly you found utilising army painter and what you didn't normally apply for the latter to achive the same results if at all?

    Overall the unit looks great with the colours you have used.


  3. Ty for the nice comments!

    Helen,using army painter cuts my painting time down between 60 and 70% and that's with a quick highlight.Skipping extensive highlighting,black lining and eyes has sped things up dramatically.I recommend using it when painting large armies that you want to play somewhat soonish.With that in mind I'm quite pleased.
    The results are nice for tabletop gaming,but of course for personal projects that you want to highlight your skills with and competition painting then you should stay with the normal painting methods of blending and multiple tones.


  4. Thank you Chris, that sounds fine.


  5. They are very nice! Your use of the AP is excellent.

  6. Nice work, Christopher. I really like the effect you've achieved. Some of the colours you've used can go horribly wrong with AP, but yours look great!

  7. Ty everyone for the very kind words of support!:-)


  8. Great, your army is impressive!! I think that my next purchase for my Trojan army is a Sea People unit!!

  9. A bit behind the times with my comment but jeez these are good. What is more I now know what the term "sea peoples" refers to. I have overheard "sea peoples" used occasionally over the years but seeing as it never came up in our wargaming I didn't follow it up. I consider myself partly edumicated, thank you. Their a colourful bunch and brilliantly painted Mr Axebreaker
