
Monday, November 7, 2022

Some more Union and a house


My blogging is very touch and go the past couple years, but it's still going which is a positive. Need to catch up on what the everyone has been doing. Still working on re-basing my ACW and painting new commands. First up some Perry's re-imagined Fire Zouaves which is the same as before except different flags and officer uniform. I might do a third as I still have figures left for one of these.

Then some regular union from Sash and Saber which are my favorite alongside Redoubt for the ACW period. So much character!

and another unit.

And yet another.

And last unit..

And finally if your still there a four chimney house from the ever so great Hovel terrain with a couple of tweaks.

A lot of gratuitous amount of pictures, but I post the most pictures here as this is where I keep a log of my material so to speak and other sites it's more paired down. I'm working on some confederates right now so they will be in the next lot. I'll keep switching between the two.

Thanks for viewing!

Miniature Company- Perry, Sash and Saber, Hovel Terrain


  1. More amazing painted miniatures. Enjoy your posts. What rule set are you using for ACW

    1. Thank you Gary on both counts. I plan to use them for Black Powder and Field of Battle 3 for the most part.


  2. Beautiful painting, Christopher. Your brick house is sublime. Great to see you back to posting again!

    1. Thank you very much Jonathan! I may be erratic with my commenting and posting, but I keep coming back as blogging is still the best for long form posting and cataloging.


  3. Very fine Christopher, back with a bang👊💥

  4. Fantastic Union infantry and house!

  5. Great figures but I was most impressed by the house - somehow it looks atmospheric.

    1. Thank you Duke. How I paint my terrain is different to how I paint figures. My figures are slightly cartoonish, but my terrain I shoot for more "realism" so to speak so maybe it's more that. I'm not sure I'm successful, but that's what I attempt it seems.


  6. Great work. The house is a grand piece too
