
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Settlers Defending

My first post of  the challenge is some skirmishing settlers for my French and Indian War collection which has continued to grow over the years, but has yet to see the battlefield which I plan to rectify this year. I suppose the delay has been I wanted to have the right amount before hitting the table ad hoc.

I think ever since I'd seen Last Of the Mohicans(1992) those many moons ago I was hooked with the period . The absolutely fascinating mix of Frontiersmen, regular infantry, Indians, settlers, militia creates a dynamic that gives many different opportunities of gaming from formal battles to bitter skirmishing all in different weather conditions and challenging terrain to navigate like spots of open fields mixed in with dense woods for example.

As for figures one is pretty spoiled for choice as most mainline producers carry a range of figures with some companies dedicated to the period itself. As for myself I went with Galloping Major and Redoubt miniatures as I find both quite painter friendly and packing tons of character.

The paints I used were my go to Foundry range which is my preference for anything Horse and Musket and earlier as I like the strong bold colors they produce. I also use some Vallejo paints which are great as well. The stones and such get a dusting of Mig pigments for some weathering.

I also painted up a preacher to help keep the spirits of the fighting men up and is a useful support option when playing Sharp Practice. I noticed I was short a supporting non commissioned officer for my French Compagnies Franches de la Marine so painted one of those up as well.

Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Galloping Major, Redoubt Miniatures


  1. Fabulous work my friend! Can't wait to see them in the flesh

    1. Thanks Nick and looking forward to getting them on the table!


  2. Very fine Christopher, hope you are able to get them into action soon.

  3. Excellent painting on these! I was wondering what kind of grass mat you use ?

    1. Thank you Mark! I think you mean what I use for my basing as it's not a mat. I use sand, Noch summer grass, Mini Natur late spring and fall bushels and small stones.

