
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Ancient Germans burst forth!


Well it turned out to be much longer then I expected since my last post! Generally speaking I had just lost my mojo for anything hobby related with moments of getting it back then losing it quickly again resulting in no posts and sporadic comments on other blogs at best so apologies to those I've missed. I think things are better now.  Let us hope 2021 is much better!

With the arrival of TFL's Infamy, Infamy earlier this year I knew there was one army I had to collect and that was Ancient Germans! Ever since seeing the Gladiator film with the Germans emerging from the misty woods giving their savage battle cries I was hooked and knew someday I would collect an army for it. Soon after that(or around that?) Wargames Foundry produced what I consider to be the best Ancient Germans ever so I of course began to collect them, but without any real purpose so they sat on a shelf for years until Infamy!Infamy was released giving them a new life. I had to repaint them as they were a bit dated and here are my first results. 

First set of warriors are the warlords Oathsworn Warriors which would typically be made up of nobles or elevated warriors of the tribe making up the fighting elite. They would usually be the best armed and armored warriors outside of those that may have served with the Romans as Foederati. This is easily seen as they carry rare and highly prized and valuable swords with the occasional piece of armor.

Next are regular warriors who will make up the bulk the army armed mostly with spears and shields with an occasional pelt for extra protection and perhaps a club for some head breaking!

 Second batch of warriors armed like there brothers with spears and shields.

The overall look of the army I went with subdued colors for both clothes and shields to better play up the more savage tribal look then you may find in Celts for example so lots of browns with some toned downs greys and reds here and there.

The figures themselves are a bit cartoonish which I like so I played on that making the colors strong even while still using subdued shades which I tend to do most of the time anyhow so was pretty fun.

The colors I used were mostly Foundry with some Vallejo. More Germans on the way and some Romans as well over the next few months as I expect my painting to pick up now that the annual Analogue Hobbies Challenge has started here

Merry Christmas and may your stockings be full of lead!

Miniature Company-Wargames Foundry


  1. Fantastic looking Germans, Christopher! Welcome back to the blogosphere - and you certainly haven't lost your painting mojo! Dean

  2. Great to see you back, Christopher! Doubly pleased to see your glorious brushwork again. Your Germans are AWESOME!

  3. Excellent, when I see the Copplestone Germans painted like this I regret selling mine on, you are back with a bang, top job Christopher.

  4. Wonderful miniatures Christopher Nothing like a early visual of Christmas figures one dreams about. I have a massive Roman army. That least they are in containers so there is no dust accumulating on them. I hear the there were no Christmas Markets this year in Germany. That is so sad. Stay safe. Merry Christmas to you and yours. May Saint Nickols bring many bright and shiny in miniatures

    1. Thanks and sadly your correct no markets this year.


  5. Fantastic Germans Christopher, really top notch!

  6. Oh these are wonderful. Nice work sir!

  7. They are superb! I might have a blister or two of those Foundry Germans laying about too. I'd better finish my Romans off first though!

  8. Those have turned out very well Christopher.

  9. Fantastic looking Germans. Those foundry figures are some of the best around though the Crusader Germans run them close and very compatible

  10. Lovely work Christopher...
    Are your Romans going to be the ones by Marc Copplestone as well?

    All the best. Aly

    1. At some point I would like to do some as they are great, but for now I'll be doing A&A lovely 3rd century Romans.


  11. Hello Christopher,

    Just superb !! I like various shades used (clothes, beards, flesh...).


  12. Thank you very much for the kind words everyone!


  13. Beautiful brushwork Christopher! Merry Christmas to you mate and all the best for 2021.

  14. Fantastic work Christopher, look forwards to seeing these in action.

  15. Great work as always.
    Stay healthy, my friend.

  16. These are just great. I really like the colours and the basing of the miniatures. Very inspiring project. Hope your mojo will last for a long time and we can see more of this in the future.

  17. Oh, I totally missed these! They're fabulous Chris. Really dig those highly saturated colours

  18. Bursting forth and exuding character, they look great.
    Regards, James
