
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sherman M4A3 with additional sandbag armored rack

I'm getting seriously behind on posting old projects as I have quite a back log building anyhow on to the subject at hand. I painted this M4A3 Sherman with a sandbag rack last year as I found it quite interesting looking with the sandbags.

It's my first attempt using an airbrush and I'm quite pleased with the result although the sandbags had to be done by hand or at least I did them by hand. For paints I used the MIG armor packs which I find are just fantastic especially for newbie airbrushers like myself! They come in packs to include shade, base, highlight removing the need for fiddly mixing which is great. I'm a super fan of MIG as I love the paints and pigments ensuring this product will become my go to armor product and no I don't work for them just really like the products!

Since my friend Nick has a lot of experience painting armor (fantastic blog here with excellent tutorials being just some of the superb things there) I played around with oil paints(Winsor and Newton) as he did for the filters and it indeed does give a very pleasing effect albeit a bit awkward when your not exactly sure of yourself or the process. This I then followed up with my much more familiar MIG pigments to add dust and grime which for me is the most fun!:-)

The photography still needs some work as there is a bit more reddish tinge in places on the model, but it's close enough. I would say after cleaning up miniatures/ tools taking pictures is my least favorite part of the process, but I like to share so not really any away around it although sometimes it's fun to set up scenes and take pics when the mood strikes.

The model itself is a Warlord resin kit and was pretty quick and easy to put together and I like the additional heft of the resin. I have some plastics kits to do but admit I have some trepidation as I don't like the assembly process of plastics or the ultra light weight, but there are some nice looking kits with extra detail that were hard to pass up so see how it goes.

Currently I have some German armor on my desk to give that a try and see how it goes along with two other projects. I usually work on one project at a time but right now I'm painting three different things as I cannot decide from each day which one I should do. I've been pretty busy and distracted so if I've missed commenting on your blogs my apologies, but I do at least try and look if I don't have time to make a reply. Lots of good things out there keep it up!

Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Warlord


  1. Ace job!

    Also wanted to paint this version of Sherman, but somehow I usually find Hellcat more deadly ;-)

  2. Outstanding! You should enter this beauty in a show!

  3. Really nice work on that one. I really enjoy working with the Ammo by Mig paints as well. Just helps things go faster.

  4. A smashing Sherman there Christopher, all those sandbags will have put the bridging weight up a bit.

  5. Wow! A very battle-ready Sherman there, Christopher. I recall reading somewhere that one of the US Generals (might've been Patton), got angry at seeing tanks with field expedient additional protection. I think something along the lines that it was bad for morale. Heck, I would've done the very same.

  6. This looks so good Christopher! Love it. I have recently discovered MIG through Nick's blog as well and I have to say they really are good.

  7. Very nice piece Christopher!

  8. That's a great looking Sherman Christopher!

  9. Masterclass Christopher, the airbrush and MIG items take it to another level. Unfortunately I haven't tried either and the airbrush sounds like another hobby in itself but I will get around to trying the MIG stuff one day. Nick has some competition with this beauty.

  10. That of course is a beauty my friend. And having seen it in the flesh it’s nice to see it on here as well finally.

  11. Splendid looking Sherman! Looks great with all the sandbags and additional gear,lovely finish too!
    Best Iain

  12. Very nice,y done indeed ... so many details packed into such a small scale.

  13. A lovely paint job Christopher...
    The additional sandbag armour makes it look a bit of a beast...

    All the best. Aly
