
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Old Mill / Farmhouse and Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge

Blowing the dust off the blog before the year ends with a terrain piece I painted up because it's time I posted something and more importantly because the yearly Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is ready to start here on the 20th of December and lasts until mid March or so.

The challenge always helps me get back into the painting chair and it's a tradition I've been involved with since the 2nd iteration when it became an open event. We are now going on the 10th edition so pretty impressive run Curt has managed to keep going! With this 10th edition Curt decided to put together a special challenge where the competitors will be traveling to a unusual and fascinating kind of island so I highly recommend visiting the link I gave above for the details.

Another reason to get the blog going is the fact I need to start learning how to use my camera again which I still cannot properly use. Maybe one day I'll actually know how to use it!

The model is from Ziterdes terrain and supposed to be a mill if you add the water wheel it came with or can be used as a large farmhouse. It's made out of foam so is surprisingly very light for it's large size.

The building painted up nicely using a selection of my usual craft paints with a liberal amount of Mig pigments for some weathering. This example will work for most any European setting from the horse and musket period right up to modern day so a useful piece indeed. I think I may have some more of these buildings, but would need to check my inventory and if so will likely paint up some more.

As usual I have backlog of things to post that I'll try to add in between the material I post for the challenge, but the challenge will take priority so if not during the challenge then after. I hope everyone has enjoyed their year so far and thanks for your patience!

Merry Christmas!! May all your stocking be stuffed with plastic and lead!

Thank you for viewing!
Miniature Company- Zitterdes terrain 


  1. Outstanding work on the farmhouse. Beautiful piece. I look forward to seeing what you produce for the contest.

    Merry Christmas, Chridtopher!

  2. Lovely terrain work! Good luck with the challenge, see you there!
    Best Iain

  3. Superb brushwork, Christopher! Great to see your talented artistry in the blogosphere again! Warm regards, Dean

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. at 8:53 AM
      Fine work on the building Christopher! Never understand the painting challenge malarky if I live to be a 100! But, enjoy what you paint, it'll be nice to see what you do.

  5. That's a fine looking building which you have finished off in fine style.

  6. Lovely bit of terrain there Christopher!
    See you at the Challenge :-)

  7. Great painting of the building. Glad to see you are back posting on your blog. Merry Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas Christopher, that's a smashing building you've painted.
