
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

French Irregulars

Just recently finished some French Irregulars for my French and Indian War project I started about 4 years ago, but somehow got side tracked by other projects along the way. Gee I wonder how that happens with me....(sarc) I plan on using them for both Muskets and Tomahawks and Sharp Practice.

They will be used as either French Militia or more likely Coueurs des bois depending on the scenario. Most my French militia (yet to be painted) are in summer gear and these are more in fall clothing so will look different helping to distinguish them from the others.

I painted them using mostly Foundry colors and some Vallejo mixed in plus Mig Pigments.

The figures are from Galloping Major and are very painter friendly with nice raised detail making painting them quite pleasurable. Like Redoubt the figures pack some character and weigh in on the chunky side, but I prefer that to the slimier sculpts of some other manufactures . The sculpting really does give a certain mood to the figures that I like if that makes sense.

More French and Indian Wars is on my desk as I'm quite motivated to see this project get to the tabletop.

Thank you for viewing!
Miniature Company-Galloping Major


  1. Nice work Christopher. I also know about getting side tracked. While shoveling through old half complete project I found my Saxons. Which I am rebasing and finishing up the paint work. Happy New Years.

    1. Thank you kindly Gary and Happy New to you as well.


  2. Those are really good Christopher.

  3. Great job. I also like figures Galloping Major, but the line of the canadian militia have caused some doubts. Your work has convinced me of their quality. Thank you 8)

    1. Thank you Klingula and happy this helped you out.:-)


  4. Excellent additions to your F&IW collection, Christopher!

  5. Stunning additions Christopher!
