
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hessian Jäger Amusettes

An  Amusette was a very high caliber rifle that could be anywhere from 90 to 200 caliber and weigh some 50 plus pounds! Due to it's weight it was often attached to fixed walls or gun carriages. However it wasn't so heavy that single infantry men couldn't carry it and in fact they often did, but if possible in teams to help with firing, loading and carrying.

Typical amusettes were huge at around 7ft in length to a standard 5ft Brown Bess musket although they could be shortened to make them more portable. They could fire up to 10x the distance a normal musket and with accuracy. A standard musket could fire up to 50 to 100 yards and an amusette could fire 500 to 1000 yards giving it not only greater punch but range as well.

When available these weapons proved popular in North America during the AWI because they could go places artillery had difficulty in traversing in the hilly, wooded terrain that commanders had to deal with.

A few Hessian Jaegar re-enactors showing Amusette's in action
Hessian Jaegers were elite light infantry that served in the German mercenary forces hired by the British Crown in the fighting in North America and gained a reputation for excellence. It's recorded that the Jeager's did have some Amusette's and were used in some actions, but as to how wide spread or often is difficult to say.

The figures are 28mm from Perry Miniatures painted using Foundry paints with some Vallejo and Mig pigments for some dusting.

Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Perry miniatures

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Angry Bear

Not a good time for a misfire!! Johnny decides a retreat is a wise idea and takes flight in the face of what is now a very angry bear!

I do need some more deployment points for Sharp Practice so this little funny idea popped into my head.

After digging around in my boxes of lead I came up with a Perry militia figure and a bear from Conquest(Warlord now I think) to do the little diorama. It was quite fun to do and I'm looking forward to doing more deployment pieces for Sharp Practice as they allow you to find use with all those extras that don't quite fit into units.

The figures were painted using mostly Foundry colors with some Vallejo here and there. The bases is natural wood, stones and mixed sand with various grasses and tufts plus my trusty MIG pigments and a bit of craft paint, Foundry and Vallejo to finish it.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company-Perry, Conquest(Warlord)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

French Irregulars

Just recently finished some French Irregulars for my French and Indian War project I started about 4 years ago, but somehow got side tracked by other projects along the way. Gee I wonder how that happens with me....(sarc) I plan on using them for both Muskets and Tomahawks and Sharp Practice.

They will be used as either French Militia or more likely Coueurs des bois depending on the scenario. Most my French militia (yet to be painted) are in summer gear and these are more in fall clothing so will look different helping to distinguish them from the others.

I painted them using mostly Foundry colors and some Vallejo mixed in plus Mig Pigments.

The figures are from Galloping Major and are very painter friendly with nice raised detail making painting them quite pleasurable. Like Redoubt the figures pack some character and weigh in on the chunky side, but I prefer that to the slimier sculpts of some other manufactures . The sculpting really does give a certain mood to the figures that I like if that makes sense.

More French and Indian Wars is on my desk as I'm quite motivated to see this project get to the tabletop.

Thank you for viewing!
Miniature Company-Galloping Major