
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Spanish house and Merry Christmas!

I've started on my collection of Spanish buildings for my SCW project and needed to work out the color scheme template for the rest of the buildings.

I'm quite pleased with how it's turned out and look forward to getting started on the others. The paints I used were mostly craft paints with some Foundry and Vallejo as well plus my trusty MIG pigments.

This building is from GrandManner which is my favorite terrain building manufacturer as I just really like the style he does them in. Also they come with removable roofs which is very nice so you can place your figures in and build alternate roofing if you wish to get a different look. They come with a price tag, but I'm willing to pay for it. I'll also add buildings from other manufactures and maybe even do some of my own, but will for sure have a healthy amount of GrandManner.

Of  course I can use these buildings for other periods like Naps if I ever I do them which making terrain that works for this does add some motivation and even regions like Italy for say Italian Wars or WWII and even southern US/Mexico with some roof adaptations here and there.

The AHPC here is coming up soon and this year terrain will be allowed which I'm quite pleased about as I plan on entering some more Spanish buildings in it. I've always wanted terrain in the challenge, but were not allowed until now which is great!

If I don't get another post in before Christmas I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas to you and all your love ones and may your stockings be filled with lead!

Thanks foe viewing!
Miniature Company- GrandManner


  1. The color scheme looks very realistic, I like it very much ... hm maybe it's time for a holiday in the south? ;-)

    Mery Christmas to you too!

  2. Oh, that is a fine building, Christopher! GrandManner is a company to which I am unfamiliar. Great brushwork on it.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you very much Jonathan and I highly recommend you visit the GranManner website although I think your wallet might not like it!


  3. That’s a fine piece of brushwork there Christopher. Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  4. Nice work perfect for great scenarios. Happy Christmas to you too!

  5. A splendid finish there Christopher. Have a splendid Christmas too.

  6. That looks absolutely amazing! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

  7. Lovely finish on a really useful building, I'm glad terrain is allowed this year, I've a ton I wanted to get done before the challenge and now I can do it during the challenge!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Ian and I'm also quite happy Curt decided to include terrain in this years challenge.


  8. That is awesome Christopher! Merry Christmas.

  9. That really turned out great. I especially liked the way you weathered it.

  10. Nice work, really like the colour scheme

  11. Wonderful work Chris! I really can't wait for our first SCW game on a table full of such excellent pieces.

    1. Thank you very much Nick! Will tale awhile to fill up a table!


  12. A realistic and beautiful building, and these jars are just awesome!

  13. All it needs are little Spanish reindeer on the roof ;) Merry Christmas!

  14. Merry Christmas Christopher. I hope that your family and you have a great holiday.
