
Thursday, October 19, 2017

More ECW English for Baraque

The blues are here!
Just completed the upgrade renovations(skin, wood, straps,stocks, flags, basing etc.) on 4 new English regiments ready to go of my ECW project I acquired and talked about last post here. Also, added some more work to the uniforms here and there to round things out. This will bring my English up to 11 regiments of foot.  Again some rather quick pics, but I feel they turned out a bit better then the last sets.

Darker Blues

They are flying Rupert's royalist colors, but honestly I'll use them as needed depending on the game as other then the flags many units looked very similar from both sides up until the New model army arrived to give more distinction.

Lighter Blues

I'm really hoping to have the ECW renovations finished before the year is out as I'm pretty eager to try the game out. Some plastic Warlord got in the mix this time, but admit I really do prefer the metals of the others!

I have noticed several people coming back to the blogs which is nice!

I'll be moving on to the Scots foot blocks of units so get ready for some hodden gray and blue folks!:-My second post in a month I must be on a roll!:-)

Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Bicorne, Renegade, TAG, Warlord 


  1. Beautiful work, Christopher! This will be a handsome army and I await following their actions on your gaming table.

    1. Thanks Jonathan and I'm looking forward to it getting to the table.


  2. Very nice work Christopher. Looking forward to seeing more.

  3. Very impressive, Christopher! Tastefully presented.

  4. Fantastic regiments Christopher! Look forward to further upgrades.

  5. Very very nice indeed Christopher!

  6. Really beautiful - a truly gorgeous sight

  7. Stunning work my friend! I know you’re not painting them from scratch but speed as well as results are impressing. Especially as I‘ve seen the raw material in the flesh.

    1. Thank you Nick!I am quite happy how they are moving along.


  8. Looking great, I'm basing up my ECW Infantry regiments now and giving them removable flags so they can be royalists, parliamentarians,Swedish or imperialists!
    Best Iain

  9. First time I've found this blog. Very nice to the ECW upgrades you've finished.

  10. Hi
    My name in Joseph Co - Editor Of

    Please don’t throw me out the window, and sorry if this sounds like spam, I just wanted to drop a message here say thanks for all of your years in supporting the community and hope it can also continue far into the future.

    Right now we're fighting the battle of looking for other content creators for our website but our reach doesn’t go as far we’d like.

    We are wondering if you want to help us transform TWG with great pieces of work. We will provide as much value as we can to you, if you decide to take part, and to build a long-term working relationship.

    Your first question most likely is what is it you want from me, or what you want me to do?

    That is up to you to answer.

    Here Is A Link To Explain In More Detail:

    (My apologies if this gets to you twice)

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Co - Editor Of


  11. Hey There Chris !
    My name is Joshua Stawiarski Co - Editor Of

    Sorry if this message is presented in a spammy way again, but just wondering.

    I wanted to inquire about if you would be interested in selling published content you created that is on your website to us over here at

    If you are interested or have questions we can go over more details at:
    Put In The Subject Heading : “ Wargame Creator ”

    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Co - Editor Of
