
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Looking back on 2014 and looking forward to 2015

A happy me in front of Lee's Memorial

I don't ever keep a count of how many figures I do per year as my count is usually not high enough to warrant that, but I may give it try someday if I feel my painting output sees a strong enough push to make that worthy of talking about. Anyhow 2014 followed the usual pattern of wanting to do much more then I actually get done so same old story on that front. Gaming has seen a bit of slump with perhaps one game every 6 weeks which I hope to improve on in 2015. The highlight of 2014 was without question my dream visit to Gettysburg and Antietam battlefields which surpassed my expectations. I promise to post up more pictures soon. If you have not gone and are an ACW fan then it is a must see!

My projects plans for 2015 are:

Strong Contenders
AWI- Continue on with this as I  actually have decent amount of figures that makes playing this period easier and easier. I would say another 4-6 units of cavalry and infantry will see a lot of scenario's open up. If I do more then that will just be icing on the cake. I must say Black Powder's Rebellion has really opened up the possibilities here. I can say with a very high degree of probability that this will see good progress in 2015, but as to everything else below......

ACW- I will probably do more as this period is dear to me, but I cannot decide if I want to make a serious push in 28mm or 15mm. Need to chew on that a bit.

FOW WWII- I will add more to my growing American Tank Company and perhaps do some Germans as well, but haven't decided if it will be Luftwaffe/Herman Goring or regular Grenadiers.

Moors 28mm Impetus- I really must get started on this as my poor Spanish Crusaders are tired of playing cards waiting for a fight. We shall see....

Germanic/Late Romans 28mm Impetus/Dux Britt./Dux Bellorum-  I kind of view this as all one project and I would be surprised if I didn't do anything here so I would put this in a close second after AWI in terms of likelihood of seeing progress made.

Vikings 28mm- Continue on with the laborious task of re-basing for SAGA and Impetus.


WWII 28mm- Will maybe do some Japanese and I may also do some Germans, but honestly I might not bother as my friend Nick has plenty of that making it a bit unnecessary.

Swiss 15mm- Lovely Legio Heroica figures, but still thinking it over if it will see paint this year.

Teutonics 15mm- More lovely Legio Heroica which actually makes sense doing a snow theme for once.

Sudan 28mm- I've been thinking of this for sometime and have now began to collect the figures....will they see paint....good question.:-)

FIW 28mm M&T- Need to do a few more French and Indians and then start on the British.

All of the above is subject to change with things dropped and others added as I put the B into butterfly in terms of painting habits.

After family and health my resolutions are to spend more time painting then reading blogs, forums and planning new purchases. Last year I did better with the forums, however the extra time I accrued didn't go into painting but went into reading yet more blogs, and planning new purchases. It's fun and all, but doesn't help with getting things done. This year I hope to get the balance right.

Happy New Year!


  1. That is an ambitious list of projects for 2015. Good luck Christopher and I'll enjoy every minute of them.

    1. My lists are always ambitious and way beyond any reasonable expectation to finish even half, but one must always try.:-)


  2. Those sound like some great projects! I would really like to see your AWI and ACW collections grow!

    1. Thanks Cory and I think you won't be disappointed.:-)


  3. I try not to plan too much for the year ahead, there is always something or someone that comes along and screws it all up! The big deal for me this year will be a trip to Gettysburg and Antietam! Good luck with your plans Christopher!

    1. That's my problem Rodger I'm always planning, but I keep changing the plan! You will enjoy Gettysburg and Antietam very much! Plan at least 3 days for Gettysburg!


    2. Thanks Christopher. Looking forward to it.

  4. 28mm Sudan eh...? Looking forward to it!

    1. Ah I expected you would like that!:-) Perhaps you will see the sands of Sudan blow across this blog.


  5. Some great plans here my friend. But as I know you well enough now I'm pretty sure you'll come up with something completely unawaited along the way. I'm definitely in for more gaming this year... well, you know, if real live permits at least.

    1. You know me well Nick and no doubt I always start something not planned. I hope we get the gaming sorted out and back on a more consistent track.


  6. The eastern ACW battlefields certainly offer much for the interested visitor. Very good that you could see two of the Big Ones. Having yet to visit Gettysburg, the battlefield at Antietam is truly a sight to behold.

    Your 2015 project listing is quite impressive. All sound very interesting to me.

    Good luck with your 2015 goals and Happy New Year!

    1. Antietam was great, but Gettysburg is just mega Jonathan and you must go!


  7. A good mix of different periods and gaming setups on your list! I look forward to more blog posts on your battlefield tourism, it's certainly a dream of mine to go visit these legendary places. Happy 2015!

    1. I promise I will get some posts in on the battlefields!


  8. A nice if rather conservative array of topics. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if something totally unexpected pops up further down the line. Planning is half the fun in this hobby, but going astray is its natural counterpart. We're all good at it. ;-)

    Seriously looking forward to more AWI units since this ranks high on my own long-term interest list. Good luck then!


    1. I have little doubt SG something not listed will show itself! I agree planning is half the fun, but I still would like to get a bit more focused........

      I very confident you will see more AWI.:-)


  9. Good luck with your plans - some very interesting stuff in store for 2015.
    ...and I hope you get that balance right :)

  10. Teutonics and the Sudan, that sounds like fun to me Christopher. All the best for 2015.

    1. That's right Michael both will be entirely new topics for me so I'm pretty curious how they will turn out!


  11. Good Luck with it all Christopher!

  12. Great plans there and I am looking forward to more ACW, AWI and Vikings from your good self

  13. All nice projects you have listed, Christopher. Regardless of which you decide on doing, your brushwork will bring out the very best. Happy 2015 to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Dean I appreciate your vote of confidence!


  14. Well that's a list and a half! Looking forward to all things to come!

    You should worry about your output though! It's more than respectable :)

  15. Blimey Christopher, you have more projects on the go than me.
    Likewise, I find too much blogging eats into the painting time, so must try and get the balance right.
    Happy New Year to you,

    1. I may have more projects going then you Pat, but the big difference is you finish your goals and I don't!

