
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Impetus now avaliable on Digital + my plans

Impetus here my favourite Ancients/Medieval rule set will soon be released in Digital format by Wargames Vault for those looking for a more inexpensive way to try or own the rules. The rule set will be the original version so you will need to get any errata from the Impetus web site which is of course free.

I expect the period supplements will follow at some point, but in the time being there are lists included in the book to get you started. Impetus without doubt looks better then game out there with it's approach to diorama type basing which also has the added benefit of making transportation and casualty removal much easier. The game rewards good strategic play, but with a healthy dose of chance where the game can change around which keeps players on their toes and involved. Basically, if you play good your likely to win, but it's far from guaranteed. It also has a nice new forum to visit here and where your questions are pretty quickly answered often by the author himself and a blog here.

Some samples from my El Cid army based for Impetus that I did awhile back:

So, if you were ever curious about Impetus now is the time to check it out!

On to other issues.....I'm not an especially prolific poster but even for me lately things have been pretty slow around here for the past couple months with the heat and just a general lethargy that has set in. I'm having problems focusing on any one thing and just keep starting and stopping which in effect has left me with quite a few half painted units sitting on my desk.

One issue I'm having is scale for Ancient/Medieval periods. Ancient/Medieval gaming really benefits from having multiple armies to game to keep things interesting so this poses problems.  I just can't decide if I should focus on 15/18mm or 28mm.  15/18mm is far more practical in terms storage, gaming space and quicker to finish armies making variety much more possible, but I really prefer the look of 28mm armies and games plus it's frankly more fun to paint and easier to do as my eyes get older, but of course it takes a lot longer to finish armies reducing variety and needs more storage. It's been such a conundrum for me that I really have not done nearly as much as I would have liked by now as I'm always in a state of procrastination on it!

Fortunately, I don't have this issue with horse and musket armies (which are also nice in small scales btw,) but I have solidly decided on my preferred larger 28mm awhile back ( AWI/ACW/SYW )as variety is not quite as important and fighting the same opposition does not get boring due to the historical line up. I find with these periods once you have the core forces to have a game it's only a matter of adding units at your leisure to make bigger games which is just fine with 28mm.

Skirmish goes without saying in that 28mm is ideal scale for whatever period and is pretty self explanatory so doesn't present any issues with me.

Currently working on ACW, AWI, LR, Ayyubbids, SCW etc....................... oh well the life of a gamer I suppose....



  1. Wow! I love your El Cid figures! Impetvs really is a terrific set of rules and for those who enjoy large bases without figure removal, it is perfect! Well, perfect for me, at least.

    As for ancient/medieval scales, I would gravitate towards what provides you with the most utility. If painting is at the fore, go the 28mm route. I, for one, would enjoy seeing more of your 28mm handiwork. If storage and expense isn't an issue, do both!

    Looking forward to seeing the results in whichever direction you choose.

    1. Thank you very much Jonathan! No worries I will do 28mm Moors to fight my El Cid army, but after that I'm not sure. Anyhow money of course is always something to consider, but really isn't the issue here except perhaps terrain. The problem is I like both variety and painting. With 28mm the figures are better sculpted and look fantastic en mass and are easier to paint, but with 15mm I can do twice as many armies offering more gaming possibilities. I find it hard doing both as I feel I'm taking time away from the other.


  2. Awesome collection of 28mm miniatures you have here Christopher!

    I think you should work on your 28mm projects first, I mean, what was or is your gut feeling to paint... 28mm :o) right? having said that, I concur with Jonathan If storage and expense isn't an issue, do both! :o)


    1. Thank you very much Phil!

      Your a prime example of what what I'm talking about in terms of possibilities output with 15mm!

      Yes, 28mm is always the scale I come back to and storage isn't too much of an issue. The issue at hand is what I like in terms of figures vs quantity of armies to play with.


  3. Plenty to chose from and I know what you mean about the lethargy setting in. I have been blessed with a period of hobby time, but just can't seem to get anything done.

    1. I know what you mean. Overall this year has been a slow one for me especially the summer so far.


  4. Beautifully painted and based figures Christopher, i to like the way you have based the figures.

    I perfectly understand your dilemma on scale and quantity for medieval, in contrast to musket era, such as AWI and ACW periods which you do so magnificently. Although I like medieval era i have in the past done musket era and must say i really like the straight forward and simple Regt system of musket units, in contrast to the quagmire of feudal arrays .
    Good look

    1. Thank you kindly Chris.

      The little drama's us wargamers deal with I suppose.:-)


  5. I do like the look of your El Cid figures, and 15mm's the way to go!!

  6. Must admit I was curious about this rule set, a cheap digital version could be worth a look...

    1. Oh I'd say go 28mm... I prefer painting this size of figure and they are so much more impressive on the table top, whether based single for skirmish games or ranked up on multibases for larger affairs...

    2. That's the way I was leaning, but still undecided.


  7. I'm in much the same boat as yourself. I've decided that moving forward I'll be doing skirmish-style games in 28mm but mass/big battalions will be in 10mm. I think it looks best for both types of games: mass figures for big engagements while smaller amount of larger figures for skirmish. Just my silly opinion thought. I can understand your conundrum as I'd love to do EVERYTHING in 28mm...

    1. I've thought of 10mm, but I just can't see the figures well enough. I'm leaning towards just staying 28mm with everything.


  8. I sympathise, and empathise, with your lethargy woes, Christopher - it happens to all of us! Best of luck with those projects - I'm always keen to see what you paint up next.

    Best wishes


    1. Thanks for the encouragement Giles and hopefully I'll have something to show soon(ish).


  9. Great post! I'm looking forward to more AWI and ACW from you!

  10. Interesting thoughts, not a great fan of Impetus but it does give a quick game for a club night and definitely worth trying out digitally if not played before.

    As far as scale is concerned, I'd always go for the look and plump for 28mm, you know it makes sense. :-) Look forward to see your outout on the forth coming projects.

    1. Yes, I'm pretty sure it will be 28mm with most everything as it's where I'm most happy.


  11. Great looking El Cid army, Christopher. Haven't played Impetus, but I already use a simplified version of Hail Caesar that I'm happy with - something I can remember on the fly, mostly ;)!. I do like multi-figure base units as well as unit removal vs. individual casualty (what a pain). Dean

    1. Thank you kindly Dean! I highly recommend trying Impetus and I could not agree more that multi basing is much better then individual!


  12. Christopher, I dont know how to explain it but your work is just so crisp...the colors they just pop

    1. Thank you kindly Captain that's very kind of you to say.

