
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Warlord aquires Arsenal Miniatures

I just saw that Warlord acquired Arsenal Miniatures! Here I remember first seeing this range back in 2010 and thought it looked awesome! It looked to be coming along great and I was already set to spend some cash and then suddenly all work and communication stopped and I heard nothing for several years. I was sorely disappointed as my dreams of fighting the Spanish Hapsburgs and the Ottomans appeared to go up in smoke.

Here is the old Arsenal link:

It was with great pleasure to see that Warlord managed to get the range where others had tried and failed. I really hope they continue with Paul Hicks as the sculptor as the material already produced is at a fantastic standard. I'm very excited as this has a lot of potential and will present a beautiful spectacle on a battlefield.

Time to get ready to spend some cash again!:-)


  1. Very Nice indeed. I might even buy a few!

  2. Not my period, as you already know but I'm looking forward to see how they turn out when painted up by you.

    1. I'm not sure how I'm going to do them yet or when, but I will do them.


  3. I used to visit Malta a lot on business so would be very tempted by some of these!

    1. I've been to Malta as well and lots of fuel for the imagination there.


  4. Warlord are doing good things, nice figures!
