
Thursday, May 16, 2013

AWI Early American Contentials(10mm trail run)

Just finished and based my first regiment in 10mm as an experiment. Why some may ask and the answer is the common one in that it's darn cheap and I want to have some armies finished quick to try some rules out. While 28mm is my favourite scale and likely always will be, I wanted a second scale on the side to get a few armies done as it takes a long time in 28mm.  I find 15mm is faster then 28mm naturally, but it just isn't enough faster leaving me the feeling of I just wasted time better spent on 28mm. So, I'm now trying some 10mm in the hopes that it's considerably faster.

The sculpts are from Pendraken and are quite nice for the size as they really show a lot of detail for so small a figure and are priced great at 30 figures for around 4.70€. Ideal for building large armies or multiple armies. The detail is raised so are in fact easier to paint then 15mm in some ways. The flag is also Pendraken, but I re-painted it to add some more colour depth. I'm pretty happy with how they look and a whole army would be nice to have. Ok, that's the good part.

Here comes the negative. My eyes are getting old and so even with glasses the little buggers are hard to see causing me to miss parts of the model and having to go back. Also it's easy to slip with the brush and paint areas you don't want to. I know I could get an optivisor, but I don't like things on my head when painting or doing anything for that matter, but I may likely need one if I paint more 10mm. While they did paint faster then 15mm and of course 28mm it still required significantly more time then I had hoped. My whole purpose for 10mm was cheap and time efficiency. While it checks the box in cost it falls short of my expectations in speed.

I need to rest and regroup and try again latter which I will for sure. For now it's back to my beloved 28mm for the moment.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company-Pendraken


  1. Very good paint work Christopher!!!

    Base size?

    Best regards Michael

    1. Thank you Michael! They are on 20mm x 20mm bases. I glued them straight on to those magnetic squares if you know the type.


  2. These look great! I get what you mean in terms of cost / time, though 6mm serves the same purpose for me.


    1. Thank you! I have trouble seeing 10mm let alone 6mm!


  3. Christ they're bloody good for that scale, damn nice Christopher!

  4. Taking in account the actual size of these truly little buggers I think you did a great job.

  5. Wow, those look great for being so small. Very well done! I know what you mean about getting an army on the table in 28mm, but I'm not sure I'd enjoy painting such tiny things... although this unit might help me rethink that :)

    1. Thanks!

      Warning, tiny figures are hard if you want to pick up detail so be prepared for that!! They paint faster, but you pay a price in patience.


  6. Ah, the joy of 10mil! Still one of my favourites, especially with Pendraken going from strength to strength. Have you seen their latest ACW releases?
    However, they're still tiny, tiny figures and hard to pull off. I think you did an excellent job there, they look like 28mm models. But, unfortunately, maybe that's were you lost time.

    Cheers, Tilman

    1. Thank you Tillman.

      I have seen their 10mm ACW and they look very nice indeed.

      Yep, tiny figures are hard to pull off. Your right I could have just flat painted them and added a wash and said done or worse yet dry brush them, but then I wouldn't have been happy so opted for a complete paint job. However, I did only paint them in two tones which is faster then my normal 3 tone method, but yes still costed time, however any other way I wouldn't have been pleased.


  7. I love my optivisor, but it's hot on the head in the summer. I've now switched to a pair of $5.00 'cheater' glasses from the drug store that are 3x magnification. They work great and aren't uncomfortable.

    Your unit looks very nice for being 10mm figures.

  8. That is impressive painting for any scale, let alone 10mm!

  9. Great looking troops, fantastic 10mm!!

  10. Wow! These figures are looking very good. But I guess that they would be too small for me for painting them.

  11. excellent work. These troops are very impressive.

  12. Thank you everyone for your kind support!


  13. First off, they are lovely!

    I suspect 15mm is the smallest I could go. Even then, I put 15mm aside for 5 months and when I went back, it had become harder to paint. I might need to move from 2X glasses to 3X glasses like AJ. Damn aging eyes!

    1. Thank you Monty,

      Actually, 10mm is easier then 15mm to paint in some ways as I can use just two tones and not three and the detail is more raised in places, but the figures are harder to see as are the recesses. I hear you..getting older sucks with the back hurting and eyes getting worse!:-(


  14. Very well painted 10mm figs, but it sure is hard to beat your lovely 28mm figs! I've thought about doing 10mm ACW or AWI but going for large "in the grand manner" style units (1:10 scale).

    1. Thank you and I will say the Pendraken ACW looks very nice and in terms of building large armies very affordable. Also, no worries Cory 28mm will remain my dominant scale.:-)


  15. Wonderful stuff Christopher! I've painted a lot of this scale recently for my WSS project so I know what you mean about missing the odd bit. Don't worry too much about it, you learn a different style to 28s pretty quickly and a decent black undercoat covers a multitude of sins.

    1. Thank you Millsy!

      I don't like a black undercoat at this scale as it darkens the colour too much and instead use a grey to keep the colours true and easier to see.


  16. Excellent painting. 25's are the best, but financially this is the way to go!

    1. Thank you Ray and not a chance will I switch away from my beloved 28mm. 10mm will always be a side scale.


  17. Very impressive painting for 10mm Christopher. Too small for my old eyes!

    1. Thank you Rodger and for mine too it would seem! I need some stronger lenses for this!


  18. Excellent work Christopher! I find myself strangely drawn to these smaller scales, 6 and 10 mm. Apart from some small projects in 10 mm a couple of years ago I haven't really gotten into them though, as I think they're very boring to paint ...

  19. Thank you Jonas and indeed they are not the most fun things to paint, but the reason for doing them was to play some larger and more diversified games plus they are very portable.


  20. Lovely work Christopher. I'm sure you'll find a streamlined method and rhythm for these guys. I know switching scales can take a bit of getting used to!

    1. Thank you Curt and I hope so, but for now back to my 28mm for bit.


  21. Chris

    Great 10mm but you will need thousands....


    1. Thank you kindly Bill.

      Thousands.....oh dear! Actually, the amount of figures I used to make this unit is the same I would use for 28mm. I suppose it depends on what army I'm doing and how I do it. If I go for tightly packed units trying to create a mass effect then indeed the figure count could get quite high.


  22. They look awesome Chris. Tried 10mm ACW, not only for speed but also because you can do large scale games on a smaller table. I'm still not sure if I continue as they took longer than expected to finish at a reasonable quality. And I would need lots to get the massed effect I'm after. Look forward to see more of these from you Chris, if they ever make it to your painting table...

    1. Thank you kindly Mike. They do indeed take longer then one thinks to get them to an acceptable level. It seems no matter the scale if you want them to look good then you have to put the time in(grrr..gnash of teeth!).


  23. Sorry for missing these earlier, Christopher. They look great - I can't believe they are 10mm - I thought 28mm for sure. Best, Dean

  24. Don't give up !
    Buy desk magnyfying glass
    It works.
    And your figures are beautifull.

    1. Thank you Maciek!

      I'll give it a try and I too hope it works.:-)

