
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Playing Point Blank from Iron Ivan

Just this past Sunday a group of came over to my house and we played a game of the new Iron Ivan WWII squad level rule set Point Blank. Franz ran the the rules and played the German Navy and Mike over at ran the German Grenadiers and Michi at played the French resistance and I played the British agents. Please go visit the blogs I listed as they are both really great!

I know the first question on your mind is who's awesome figures and terrain is that! I wish I could say they were mine, but in fact they come from the very talented Michi's collection. That's right folks others provided the rules and fantastic figures and terrain and all I had to do was provide my room, roll dice and eat! Wonderful!!

Not only did Michi provide the superb figures and terrain, but he also designed the scenario we played. Everybody should now applaud. The scenario timeline was 1940/41 in occupied France where British Agents and the French resistance were attempting to sabotage vital shipments or better yet the ship itself that was due to leave the port .
The allies had a few agents/resistance members planted at the docks with the rest starting at the opposite side of the table.

We had to stop before we could finish the game, but it was clear the allies would not achieve their objective with most of the British Agents taken out and the French out classed and outnumbered. The German MG 34's and the difficulty in command pretty much did us in. The game was a great deal of fun and hindsight being everything we would have done a few things different, but I think it still would have been a tough road for the allies. Well done to the German players for using sound tactics. I want a re-match!(Lol):-)

The rules were not played in the conventional ways, but rather were used to enable us to play the scenario and so it's hard to accurately judge how good they are. I think they are good set of rules and I for sure want to try them again.

Some of the pics came out blurry and a bit dark which was my fault and I advise you to go to Mike and Mich's blogs for better pictures.

A special thanks to Franz, Mike and Michi for coming over and giving a great day of fun and enjoyment and on such a beautiful table!

Enjoy and thanks for viewing!


  1. What an awesome looking game Christopher! When a game looks that good I wouldn't worry about losing! I will go and check out the other blogs.

  2. Wow! That just looks absolutely wonderful; what a wonderful way to spend a day!

  3. Sweet looking game. Don't play much skirmish stuff but about to start a Wild West project. Table detail makes the game at this scale it seems........and this does that.....nice !

  4. Some excellent looking terrain!!

  5. That is spectacular terrain, Point Blank is such a good game.

  6. What a great looking game and setting.

  7. Yes, what a great looking game!

  8. Fantastic looking game, thanks for sharing.

  9. Really nice looking game. Very well done.

  10. On behalf of Michi I thank you for enjoying his truly fantastic work and the deserved kind comments and yes indeed I'm very happy I got the chance to see it live!


  11. Amazing! The overall impression, all the details, a really impressive work!

  12. Christopher:

    Wow! What a fantastic looking game this is; I love the terrain and the photography is great too. Best, Dean

  13. Certainly looks like a cracking game Christopher.

  14. Okay, now that's just weird. First the el Cid, now Iron Ivan. I think you've got a bug planted at our club ;)

    How did you find the rules? Fun to play?

  15. Thank you everyone for taking the time to view Michi's wonderful work!


    Well, we had to make some adjustments to rules to fit the scenario, but yes indeed I did like the rules. I'm sure if they are better then Operation Squad, but after a few more games I'll know.


  16. That game just looks the works. Excellent collection! Curious on the end judgement on the rules later on..
    and BTW, I finally got my copies of F&F and F&F rgtm, thx for recommending!

  17. @MiniMike

    Your welcome Michael and I believe you will enjoy the rulesF&F Rule sets!:-)


  18. Christopher, what an incredible looking game!! Really phenomenal - thank you very much for the links to Mike and Michi's blogs - I'm going to be following both with interest. A very fine way indeed to spend a day's gaming, and a really super scenario.

  19. Hi Sidney it was a great day of gaming and hopefully we do it all again soon.


  20. Wow, its like a whole new world in these pictures ! Amazing !
