
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Victorian Adventuress

I entered this Victorian Adventuress in Curt's painting challenge and haven't got around to posting it until now. I really did enjoy painting this as I like working in earth tones and neutral colours quite a bit. As a matter of fact I'll probably due a few more.

A friend of mine is running some Zulu stuff and at first I was going to do some Natal contingents and I still might, but I think I'll do some Boars (as in Dutch natives) first as I really like their look.

When I do the Boars I can't really say as my schedule is pretty full for the summer which leads me into my next topic. I have some painting projects that really do need to get done and so I won't be able to follow blogs as closely as I usually do, but I will do my best for sure. For example I spend about 70% of my free time on blogs and forums and 30% at the painting table which doesn't help productivity very much. I need to at least change that to about 60% to 70% at the painting table and the rest on blogs and forums. So please understand if I miss a post or two I'm not ignoring you and will get back to you as soon as I reasonably can. By this I mean I'll read as often as I can, but commenting might prove difficult. I figure after September things will loosen up for me where I can go to about 50/50. Thanks for following my blog and understanding my situation and I'll do my best to support yours within my time allowance!


  1. Not a problem Christopher and she was a beauty.....

  2. Just keep your own blogging going, I know what you mean though, seems I spend far more time on the computer than I want to and I also want to get some more kit finished, it's a hard life eh?


  3. Well done Christopher. I can understand on the internet topic, it can be a time sink and then there's also the danger of wanting to get into new projects and not finish the one's already active.

  4. Awesome work on the young lady Christopher. I totally agree on the computer time. Same for me too, hence the lack of posts on my part.

  5. Not a problem. That figure looks great

  6. indeed surf time can be somewhat consuming!

    enjoy the painting

  7. What a cracker Christopher. I love the dirt and mud slowly working its way up her dress, brilliant job. Fully understand you predicament regarding time and hope you get the balance right soon.

  8. Love her, the mud is extremely well done. I changed my internet behavior recently as well. I read about twice a week the blogs for an hour or so now. I use a good feed reader and organized/prioritized things in there…

  9. No probs Chris, I totally understand your predicament, my blog takes up a lot of my painting time!! Love the figure, it was one of my favourite ladies entered, love the muddy effect, that really adds tons of character to her.

  10. I know what you mean with the Blog v Painting thing and I may have to go down that track myself.
    Superb painting and basing on this young lady.

  11. Nice work, Christopher...great job on the dirt effect

  12. I have her painted too, but I admit your work on her is much more elaborated...
    Very good rendition!


  13. Very nice work Chris. Love the pose, makes you wonder who she is aiming at!

    I know what you mean about the painting/blogging balance... I've been hard at painting recently over last weeks hols and havnt done much blog surfing or commenting...

  14. Thanks guys I really appreciate the support!

    Oh so very true of not wanting to get distracted by other projects as I'm like a bird to shiny objects in that regard!


  15. Lovely brushwork, Christopher, and I certainly empathise on the internet/painting/gaming balance.

    By the way, I hope you don't mind but I've given this post a guest spot on my blog (

  16. I don't mind at all Rab and thank you very much for featuring my figures.


  17. Great model - love the paint job. I want her on my safari for more than one reason, she looks like she know her way around that gun alright!
