
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sudanese Archers

Here are some 15mm Sudanese archers for my Ayyubid Muslim Arab army. The figures are from the fantastic Legio Heroica Muslim Crusade range . The gentleman who makes and sells the figures is a real nice person and a pleasure to deal with and so I highly recommend the brand.

I've been searching for a way to speed up the painting process without losing too much in quality and I think I've found it....Devlan Mud wash from GW! After several attempts with army painter I've come to the conclusion I don't like Army Painter because:

-It's difficult to control where the stain goes.
-I have to repaint most of the figure to get it looking good therefore saving little time.
-It stinks and is sticky to use.
-I have to wait 24hours after application before I can work with it again.
-It's expensive if it drys up which it often does.
-When sealing it often leaves a light grey film over the miniature.

Devlan Mudd wash ignores all the above. I can much easier control the shadow effect by how much water I add to the wash. I simply apply the wash to the recessed areas leaving the raised parts untouched and so no need to go back and repaint anything. I then add one quick highlight and it's finished. In effect it completely replaces one complete painting stage saving time in switching bottles and adding the paint. For me it's much quicker then using AP and gives a better controlled effect without the all negative hassle. I'm a very happy painter at the moment!

Bye bye AP/Varnishes and Helloooo GW washes!! It seems GW does get things right on occasion and considering how little you need and how effective it is I'd say the price is actually very reasonable and quite fair something of an oddity from that company!

Miniature Company-Legio Heroica


  1. Beautiful painting. Really nice work.

  2. Yeah, I agree with Rodger! I like the contrast of colours

  3. !5mm really? My word they're a bit good! Great fan of the Devlan Mud, but also like the Gryphonne Sepia which is just a little warmer.

  4. Having tried a little dipping I have to agree, the GW washes are superior in almost every respect.

  5. Nice looking minis!

    I to uses dewland mud in my painting, works realy good, tryed out Vallejos equivalent but I didn´t like it as much as Dewland Mud.

    Best regards Dalauppror

  6. Nicely done. These are fine looking units.
    I agree, a controlled wash is my approach rather than apply one strong finish. More time consuming over the long haul, but "you get what you pay for."

  7. Thanks guys for the nice words!!

    @Michael Awdry
    Thanks for the tip and I'll try it out and if it's like the Devlan I'm sure I'll like it!


    Actually Brent I found applying the Devlan carefully to still being quicker then AP, because the AP left everything dirty causing me to have repaint 80% of the figure.


  8. You have done a superb job with your washes on these figures.

    I had the same problems with AP and now use washes as I also find it much quicker.

  9. Beautiful painting job!!

    I only use Army Painter if I´m going to paint a huge number of miniatures and I need them well protected, but I find Washes/Inks very easy and clean for using and they dry faster than AP.

  10. I forget to say that Vallejo has Inks but now they have Washes too and they are similar to Games Workshop stuff, I think Vallejo Sepia shade (73200) is almost the same that Devlan Mud.


  11. Nice painting and basing. I like the variety of the headgear along with the overall uniform look. Best, Dean

  12. Very colourful, I like the contrast between robes and headgear & belts.

  13. Just a point, now you have settled on washes as a choice - Whilst GW ones are indeed good, Vallejo do the same stuff in 200ml containers, good value from Maelstromgames...

  14. I love the way you've painted these, the colours look so vibrant and they certainly don't look like 15mm!!!!

  15. Great painting Christopher - they look like 28mm!

  16. Devlan Mud is GW's greatest invention since... Oi Dat's my Leg. Seriously though, their Washes are superb. Those look great.

  17. Apart from the excellent painting, GW does something good...who would have thought:D

  18. Very nice indeed. You've done these guys proud!

  19. I just love the colors! And the ivory robes are perfect. I struggle with white but ivory is a great way to just avoid white altogether!

  20. Thanks guys I appreciate the words of support!


  21. Very very nice, i really like the colour scheme.

    LH figs really are good aren't they?


  22. another fine looking unit. Like the vibrant colours. I use GW washes as well. Never managed to get proper results with AP.
