
Monday, October 31, 2011

Arab Lancers

Sorry about the repeated post on this, but I was having some troubles posting it in correctly.
My first Impetus base finished! I mentioned awhile back that I would be doing a Saladin Ayyubid dynasty army for Impetus and here is my first unit. Sometimes I mention doing projects, but then don't get back to them for a bit and this is one of them.
This unit represents Kurdish, Berber or Syrian Lancers that I group into Arabs for ease of reference. I really enjoyed painting this unit as I got a chance to explore color and look forward to doing some more. The miniatures are 15mm Legio Historica and are really fantastic sculpts and have quite a bit detail that really adds to the painting time, but is worth it in my opinion.
I was going to go straight for a 300pts force, but changed my mind to a Basic Impetus army to start with because of less units to paint, quicker to start gaming our Crusades campaign at the club, and a loosely planned project with SG over at the super Conquering the Lead Mountain blog here. After having a BI force completed then I'll build the army further to 300pts, 400pts. etc for standard Impetus gaming.
Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company- Legio Historica


  1. If only you had a brain fart and used your incredible painting skills to diminish my lead and plastic mountain for nothing, excellent skills...really.

  2. Very very nice painting and basing.

  3. Beautiful painting and basing. Great figures too they look 28mm not 15mm!

  4. Wonderful, vibrant, Arabian colours....I'd love to see them cantering across the horizon in a shimmering heat haze. Lovely!

  5. Excellent, Chris. That's exactly this kind of reminder I don't need at the mo. ;-)

    Sadly, my Crusaders are still gathering dust, since I have a huge backlog of figures to be painted for the next Tactica. Hopefully somewhen after Christmas I'll be able to think about any other project bigger than just the odd two or three models again.

    However, yours are an excellent start. Lovely colours, very well painted. That's raising the bar…


  6. Beautiful figures!!!! I'll second what The Angry Lurker said!! but for me instead!

  7. Thanks everyone for the very kind words!!


    No worries mate I doubt I'll be finishing this project up any time soon as I'm doing several at the moment and really enjoying the freedom!
    After having recently finished a deadline project I don't envy you having to meet a Tactica deadline as I hate deadlines. While it's true you get things done, I'm usually pretty miserable in the process of having to paint something out of obligation rather then mood which turns it into a job and adds stress. Since I feel it defeats the whole purpose of enjoying this hobby of ours I've become quite reluctant in agreeing to fixed events with no wiggle room. I pretty much only agree to do projects on a "lets see how it goes basis" and this works for me. No more fixed dates for me unless I'm close to the requirement or already have something for it.


  8. They are looking great, Christopher! Well done, mate!

  9. Second all the previous comments. Very nice figures and the basing is very tasty.

  10. Very deep colors...looks impressive...great work on the basing.

  11. Chris, you always set a standard for the rest of us to live up to. Bright colours are the way to go, and it's all the more fun when you paint a non-uniform army.

  12. Thanks guys I really do appreciate your very kind words of support!


  13. Holy cow, those are 15mm?! Gorgeous work! I really like how the colours 'pop' - especially the shields and harness work. I think its great that 'Impetus' encourages these large bases as it allows for lovely groupings like what you have here.

  14. Great job ! I will start nearly an Ayyubid army (Legio Heroica) too
