
Monday, August 29, 2011


As some of you readers might know the American Civil War is my favourite period not only in land warfare, but navel as well. Basically I think Ironclads are just flat out cool! The steam powered engines combined with bolt on plates just looks great. Really love the atmosphere it gives off.
I would like to collect a few in 28mm, but the only ones I know are Redoubt which are a bit pricey and most without pictures. However, the ones I did see did look really nice.Does anyone have pics of the Redoubt Ironclads not shown on their web page?  I'm also wondering do any of you know where I could view some other companies 28mm Ironclads. I'm looking for rules at this scale as well to use them with and would appreciate any pointers in that direction.:-)
I should add that I will use scaled down models like almost everything is done in 25mm or it would be far too big! Most ships will measure between 20in and 30in long and 5in to 10in wide.
I really and I mean really would like to get back to painting my ACW material, but my current El Cid project has me tied down until mid September as that's the deadline for an event. To be honest I'm finding it tough going painting this project as my heart just isn't in it right now and it feels more like a job then a hobby at the moment.:-( Of course I'll be happy when I'm done and did it, but still......... Anybody out there in or been in the same situation to commiserate with?


  1. I'm with you, as I just love Iron Clads.

    The main Redoubt model is quite large, much like thier Sudan gunboat.

    Maybe make a post on TMP for info and pics of models?

  2. I'd really like to see the Redoubt one. Thanks for the tip and
    if I don't get enough responses through my blog and the forums I'll give TMP a go.


  3. I know the feeling your El Cid project is giving you! I get the same when I have to repaint something that was already nearly finished. I'm guessing that painting similar stuff over and over has the same effect. Somehow the joy dissipates and it starts feeling less and less as a hobby!

    But hand in there because we are very much looking forward to your Hispano-Normans, if you can call'em that... :D

  4. Thank you Doc as I appreciate the helpful words of support!


  5. Keep grinding away at it Christopher. I have been there before and I hate it. My collections range from Dark Age to WW2, so I try to change periods as often as possible to keep the intrest up. Not always possible though. Can't help with the Ironclads, sorry. Good luck with the painting. looking forward to seeing them.

  6. I flit between so many different projects, but try to keep things small scale, otherwise I'd never finish anything...

  7. Missed some good posts the last month here. The Jinetes look awasome. And now you have to finish the project. I think we all know the feeling you have right now. I tend to start rushing things at that point and forget about all the nice vignettes and extra's I had planned. Hope you can keep it up. Can't help you with the Ironclads but now you mention it, I want one myself as well :-)

  8. Thanks again guys for the support! Almost done with the next unit.


  9. Painting miniatures out of obligation rather than enjoyment is the crappiest part of this hobby. Like you, I motivate myself by picturing the finished project. You know how awesome the El Cid army is going to look when it is done. That's what has to keep you going.

    Oh yeah, they look awesome. It almost brings a tear to my eye when I see that they aren't based for IMPETUS ;)

  10. Well Jason you can wipe your eyes as I will build special Impetus bases for the army so I can play them with Impetus. Thank you btw.:-)


  11. Chris

    look at on ebay - I have bought 6 suitable ships from him. Monitors, rams, tinclad sidewheelers and basic river steamers. Happy to send some photos.

  12. Hi Bill,

    Thank you and yes somebody mentioned him to me. Pictures would be welcome!:-)


  13. Chris

    Send me your email address and I will send you some photos of monitors, rams, sidewheelers. Have a look at item 280736533139 on ebay for the basic river steamer. The number of boxes and barrels almost justifies the price.


  14. WoW! That steamer is great and your right on the boxes.

    My e-mail address is:

