
Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's here!

Regimental Fire and Fury just arrived in the post today shown below. Wow !! The book looks just fantastic and I'm more then pleased.

Looks to have nice rule adjustments as well and the eye candy is wonderful. After looking at the army size requirements I've realized I'll need to stay at 15mm to play this still as the both the army sizes and board sizes needed are beyond my ability at 28mm for this rule set. No worries as I have plenty of 15 ACW. It's all Old Glory and needs some touch ups (as I did all this many, many years ago) and re-basing to a standard size of 3 per base instead of the 3-5 I did earlier which makes aligning difficult. I'm inspired folks!
For 28mm ACW I'll use Guns at Gettysburg rule set as that's seems more prudent.;-)
Airborne remains my top focus, but in between drying times and project completion I'll start re-working my 15mm ACW and then later down the road start up the 28mm ACW.


  1. Well you have a lot of 28mm plastic stuff to choose from, good to see your rules arrived, always nice to get toys/rules in the post.

  2. I've decided to do Regimental Fire and Fury in 15mm due to size requirements and Guns at Gettysburg and A House Divided for 28mm as it's far more practical. No doubt, every wargamer loves packages in the post!


  3. Have heard and read loads about them. Looking forward to getting a game with them, we normally play using the old set.

  4. Hello Christopher,
    your blog is very interesting and
    your figures are painted marvellous!
    I like your historical minis, especially the Trojans very much
    and your article about the diverent
    paint bottles is very helpful.
    With best regards,

  5. Thank you Wolfgang and welcome to my blog. :-)


  6. Thank you and to you as well.

