
There are many rivers to cross a Coc campaign

7th Panzer Division (Ghost Division)
Kraftradschützenbataillon 7 (7th Motorcycle Battalion)

1st Platoon

Leutnant Dieter Steindorf 

Dieter's upbringing was a comfortable middle class with 4 siblings in the large capital city of Berlin. In addition to his excellent performance in the regional Realschule Dieter was fortunate enough to have a father who served with distinction in the Great War thus helping him in getting a commission in the Wehrmacht in the newly formed Panzer divisions. Keen to be at the tip of the action he requested a leadership position in the specialized Motorcycle Reconnaissance Battalion and was granted command of the first platoon.
He is 26 years old and stands about 5ft 8in. His father not wanting his son to get soft had him working part time laying and carrying bricks in addition to strength related sports has resulted in Dieter looking like bricks he used to carry a virtual block of a man.

Feldwebel Heinrich Zornburg

Born and raised in the inner city of Dresden hardened Heinrich to the realities of life. His father worked in the local armaments factory supporting a large family made making ends meet difficult at time so Heinrich went to work at a young age getting work where he could to help support the family, before joining the Hitler Jugend gaining a reputation for an iron will leading local groups. As soon as he could he joined the Wehrmacht at 18 years old and due to his will and training in the Hitler youth he rose rapidly to the rank of Feldwebel at a young 20 years of age.Thin and rather pale belies a strength of will and body that impress all who come into contact with him.

Obergefreiter Hans Schwarzfuss

Hans was born and raised in the small village of Linzdorf in Saxony working and living on the family farm. All that heavy lifting turned an already very tall Hans into somewhat of a lumbering giant. A model citizen and thanks to his disciplined upbringing Hans found life in the Hitler youth easy to adjust to and equally found life in the Wahrmacht to suit him well.
At 21 years of age Hans is ready for to lead his squad into France even with the laughs and smiles he gets when fitting his bulk onto his motorcycle, but knowing he has the squads respect he takes it with a good nature and bidding joke with his men.

Obergefreiter Wolfgang Oberman

Hailing from the west in the large city of Cologne 21 year old Wolfang dreamed of an adventurous life outside the dreary office job he was saddled with so jumped at the chance to join the Wahrmacht and even better ride a motorcycle while doing it! All that office work has left Wolfgang a bit pale and on the thin side which he hopes to change, but sadly it seems nobody can cook in the army so will likely need to wait until he gets married after the war!

Obergefreiter Johann Waldarm (KIA)

An average looking 19 year old citizen in all respects working as an office clerk in the northern city of Hamburg Johann answered the call of his country and joined the Wahrmacht to serve his Fatherland. Usually accustomed to paperwork his quick wit allowed him to adapt to the army life and his ability to navigate came to attention of his superiors who assigned him to the Motorcycle Battalion to take advantage of this ability to scout ahead.

Obergefreiter Heintz Kellerman

Taking over for the recently deceased Johann Waldarm is Heintz the "old man" of the platoon at 33 was born and raised in Obermenzing near Munich Bavaria and made a living as a game keeper on a large country estate that Reichsmarschall Göring used on occasions. Heintz is of average height and build and tends to be rather quite from all his solitary work on the estate, but is easy going and well liked in the platoon(even more so when shooting for extra meals for the squad to improve the rations!)
While Heintz was content being the squads "dinner man" both he and the men took it as no surprise Heintz  was raised up as the replacement to Johann, but as leader of squad will take an adjustment for everyone nonetheless.

Platoon Organization

Leutnant Dieter Steindorf  - Senior Leader, Pistol
Feldwebel Heinrich Zornburg- Senior Leader,SMG
5 cm mortor with 3 crew

1st squad 
Obergefreiter Hans Schwarzfuss-Junior Leader, SMG
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen (reduced to 5 and 1 misses next game)

2nd Squad
Obergefreiter Wolfgang Oberman, Junior Leader, SMG
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen(reduced to 5 and 2 misses next game)

3rd squad
Obergefreiter Johann Waldarm, Junior Leader, SMG (KIA)

Obergefreiter Heintz Kellerman, Junior Leader, SMG (Replacement reduce CD 3" radius)
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen (reduced to 4)

Commanders Outlook/ +1= Neutral

Mens Outlook/ - 4 = -1 on force Morale

Platoon Leader's Outlook/ Not yet established

Game 1 The Village

1st Platoon

Leutnant Dieter Steindorf  - Senior Leader, Pistol
Feldwebel Heinrich Zornburg- Senior Leader,SMG
5 cm mortor with 3 crew

1st squad
Obergefreiter Hans Schwarzfuss-Junior Leader, SMG
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen

2nd Squad
Obergefreiter Wolfgang Oberman, Junior Leader, SMG
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen

3rd squad
Obergefreiter Johann Waldarm, Junior Leader, SMG
LMG- 3 crew
Rifle Team. 6 riflemen


Stuka Bombardment
Infantry Squad with Junior Leader
Forward Observer with radio and 8 cm mortors
Dirty Nazi Trick 5th Column 

German Tactical Victory as British withdraw
Obergefreiter Johann Waldarm, KIA
4 Soldiers KIA
2 return to duty
3 Miss Next game
Commanders opinion improves to +1
Men opinion decreases to -4 resulting in -1 force morale roll
Replacement Leader reduced to 3" for first game

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