
Monday, May 1, 2023

French and Indian Wars game

I had Nick over for a game of Sharp Practice 2 set in the French and Indian War. It was the first time I got the collection on the table for a game and I was pretty chuffed! The reason it took so long was because I wanted to have enough figures for both sides and I also didn't like how the rules for Indians were written in the lists in which they acted like little more then mobile assualt groups. The problem was solved in Lard Magazine 2022 in which the Indians were given an alternative way to be fielded that is much more in line with how I perceived they fought which was small groups sniping the enemy followed by hit and run attacks while trying to preserve their warriors. Basically the blue print for light infantry.

The pictures were taken from my phone so not of the best quality, but does give you an idea of the game. Maybe one day I'll sit down and make a proper lighted photo shoot of the figures in action, but I'm a lazy photographer when it comes around to taking pictures which is why my postings lag behind in my hobby works.

Nick played the French and I played the British colonials. There were no regular troops and was fought by regional troops, like marines, rangers, conscrips, volunteers, militia and Indians. The game was a learning curve as the period really forces you to make decisions about keeping your troops in formation for easier control and massed volleys or breaking them up into groups to avoid being out flanked. It was great fun! 

I'm now full of inspiration to paint up more for the period to include figures and terrain!

I'm looking forward to the next game of French and Indian wars, but I do need more trees even though I have a lot, but not quite enough it seems!

Thanks for viewing!