
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Colonial Rangers


Adding some more backlog units to the blog, but this time French and Indians wars for some more Sharp Practice. This is the first of two colonial ranger units I painted up so far. These were some of the best troops the British/Americans could put in the field due to their skill in musketry and woodsman craft and often just really knowing the land well and how to use it.

Since I quite enjoy painting natural colors especially green these were more fun then usual to paint up. Plus I really got a chance to get some contrast in there with the blue without overpowering the other colors which can happen when introducing a stronger color contrasts.

The figures themselves are from Galloping Major and just a real pleasure to paint with just the right amount of detail to give them character, but not so much you feel bogged down.

The paints I used were Foundry as usual with some Vallejo here and there. The basing was a mix of sand, stones, MiniNatur bushes and flowers and some MIG pigments for weathering. These bases are from Warbases I believe.

I think I'll post some Indians and Rangers after this so I can get up to date on my F&IW progress. Who knows maybe one day I'll get to play the collection!

Thanks for viewing!

Miniature Company- Galloping Major