
Sunday, October 5, 2014

British Royal Artillery Southern Dress 6 pounder

I'll go back to my summer vacation pictures soon, but for now it's a return to AWI miniatures. This is a British Royal Artillery crew in Southern campaign dress loading a 6 pounder cannon. I really like the British Southern campaign uniforms and so plan on doing some more in the future both artillery and infantry. The uniform wasn't to complex so the crew painted up fairly quickly, but the artillery piece itself took longer as all the bits just take time to do as I've found to be the case with all artillery.

After visiting Brandywine plus reading through the scenario's in the BP Rebellion supplement sure has motivated me to continue on with my AWI project so expect more of this period to a matter of fact I have an almost completed American regiment that will feature some of the new plastics where I give my opinion on it for those interested soon.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Perry Miniatures