
Friday, September 12, 2014

Back from battlefields and family

A very happy me in front of General Lee's Memorial at Gettysburg.
I just got back from vacation yesterday hence the lack of posts(not that I'm a prolific poster anyhow) and lack of comments on other blogs which I'll try and catch up on as soon as I can.

My vacation was fantastic! It consisted of two vacations the first in Pennsylvania/Maryland (battlefields) and the second in Minnesota(family). Other then seeing family which was of course a wonderful joyous occasion in itself  I also got a chance to visit the holy grail of ACW enthusiasts  that being the Gettysburg battlefield! If that wasn't enough I also visited Antietam(Sharpsburg) and Brandywine battlefields as well!! To say I was on cloud nine would be an understatement!

It's too many pictures and thoughts to put into one post so I'll be breaking them down into several posts until finished. I may do them close together or spread them out depending on energy levels.

It's great to be back and I'm super charged to get painting as one would imagine!:-)

A view from the Little Roundtop behind Gen. Warren's Statue again at Gettysburg.
My lovely wife and daughter on Burnside's bridge at Antietam.
Washington's HQ at Brandywine.