
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Liebster Award

Hello it seems the very fine gentlemen in the form of Mark from painting!), Burkhard from (Excellent content reports) and  Neil (nice 17/18th material) have very kindly awarded me the Liebster award. Normally this is supposed to go to those with less then 200 followers which would  normally disqualify me, but I'm happy about the oversight as it's always nice to get a nod, but more importantly it gives me a chance to point out some blogs that should get some attention that haven't been getting enough in my humble opinion. Forgive me if I'll skip the questionnaire found on other blogs except to say I do like Stars Wars over Star Trek as Jedi's are just to cool!!:-) I'll be using Michaels version of the Liebster award

1. Copy and paste the Award on your blog, remembering to link back to the blogger who has given it to you.
2. Pass on the Award to your top 5 blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their posts to notify them that they have won the Award and listing them on your own blog.
3. Sit back and bask in the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing you have made someone's day!
4. There is, of course, no obligation to pass this onto anyone else, but it´s nice if you take the time to do so.

Bear in mind I'm trying to mention ones that I think have not been mentioned yet and are very worthy of a visit. If I missed you remember your on my blog roll so I like what you do!
So here they are: (Excellent painting all around) (Superb SCW & Italian Wars)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Late Roman Heavy Infantry

Well finally got started on a long planned project with Nick  in the form of Western Late Romans primarily for Impetus, but also to be used for Dux Bellorum. We both are doing Late Romans and Germanic tribes together and plan on Romans vs Germanics and/or civil wars.

The Late Roman army I'm creating for this project is a mobile Roman field army(Comitatenses). I see them as very well equipped and supplied so my army will present itself somewhat uniformly in that each unit will have matching shields and colour bands and all units will have a cream tunic. However, they won't be perfectly equipped as that wasn't seen to often in this period so trousers colours and helmet shapes will have variety. I'll be building my heavy infantry units in sets of four consisting of 2 spear bases and 2 attached supporting archer units.

I want to try and finish this army in a reasonable time so I opted for AP with highlights and some lovely LBM transfers and dusted up the shields a bit with some MIG pigments. The figures are from Wargames Foundry and paint up nice and easy which is a bonus. They are of course on Impetus bases which I happen to really like btw! There are quite a few pics on this posts as I squeezed two posts into one but I wanted to show the units in their "blocks" so thanks for hanging in there.

In addition to more Romans I have some ACW on my desk as that's another project I'm doing with other group members of which two have blogs so stop by and check them out please with Sasha at and Mike at

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Wargames Foundry

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

M8 Greyhounds and some Jeeps

I haven't posted anything in a few weeks, but I have been busy painting and have accumulated a backlog of units to post which I'll be catching up on. These here are 15mm FOW and consist of M8 Greyhounds and some Jeep's that constitute my recon elements for my American Tank Company.

I painted them up in a grimy, dirty and slightly damaged look to show them in full campaign mode which is how I prefer my vehicles to look. Painting Americans is pretty relaxing and fun compared to Germans which are demanding to do.

I have a friend who is pretty crazy about FOW while my feelings are it's a fun game as long as you don't try and view it as a simulation game and instead just view it as a game with a WWII background.

Painting 15mm isn't my favourite scale as I vastly prefer 28mm and even more so as my eyes get older, but it does have it's advantages like quicker to do and easier portability plus occupying less space. So, I'll continue to have 15mm projects mixed in with my 28mm ones.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Battlefront FOW

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mounted British Officers

It's a bit hard to have an army without some proper leaders so I dug into my lead pile and painted up some Perry AWI British Officers to lead the king's forces. The poses of the figures are very nice and give a real feel to the period. The gentlemen with the sword raised will act as the army general until I have some time to paint up a proper high command and the others will be brigade commanders. I painted them in the traditional British uniform of red, blue and white. A note on the red in that I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. I do like it.... but then again I'm rarely if ever completely satisfied with any reds I do as it's either too dark or too light or too pinkish or too much orange or something frigg'in too much of. I'll try a different tone with something else and see which one I prefer more and change this if I have too.

I now happily have enough figures to play small games with and even have more plans for AWI soon. but I'm going to take a small break from it and paint some other things I've been meaning to do, so until then keep your brushes going.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company- Perry miniatures