
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

More Ruins and the upcoming challenge

Another set of ruins, but this time from Miniatures Building Authority I think. I picked this up at a bring and buy last winter for a good price. I liked the model, but the paint job on it wasn't up to snuff so I set in with my brushes and added some paint where it needed it and then added my pigments to get the weathering I wanted so now I'm happy with the results.
Thanks for viewing!
Miniature Company-Miniature Building Authority

So, Curt's Analogue Hobbies painting challenge here that I mentioned in a previous post is approaching soon and I need to get cleaning and  prepping . I just need to finish something first and then I'll get started. I must admit I'm not looking forward to the cleaning and prep work as that's my least favourite thing to do in the hobby, but it is necessary to get a jump on it so you don't lose valuable paint time to this unsavoury step. 

I've got a lot of things on my plate like:

- Impetus Pyrrhic army- This is a planned joint project with Nick(doing Romans) where we will compete to see who can finish the most from this in the challenge.

-AWI- I want to finish some more American units of mine to battle a large British army I acquired early this year. Plus I need to do a few British command figures and artillery. I plan to use this for Maurice and British Grenadier.

-Early Saxons- If I can't finish this before the challenge then I'll finish off the rest at the beginning.

I haven't bothered figuring out how many points it would total as it's highly unlikely I'll finish anything near to what I want not to mention I could drift off into other things as I have the attention span of a two year old at best. Anyhow, that's the outline and I'm curious to see how well I can stay on track. No laughing please one can always dream. :-)