
Saturday, November 17, 2012

More Indians for FIW

Finished a few more Indians for my FIW project. The figures are once again from Redoubt. I just really like these guys!! I think Redoubt pulled off a truly hawkish and dangerous feel to these figures that other ranges haven't quite got. I'm not saying they are the best sculpted with Conquest or Perry giving some serious competition, but in attitude and feel they sure are the best IMHO. Down side once again is the clean up which in places can get excessive to the point where you really can't correct it all and therefore have to wing it with some shading. I'll be adding Galloping Major to the Redoubt collection at some point which I feel will compliment each other very well in both size and general feel.

If your curious I've used mostly Foundry paints and some Vallejo.

Thanks for viewing!:-)
Miniature Company-Redoubt Miniatures